While travelling by train, many people like to share with their acquaintances about where they are travelling at present. This often happens while making statuses, stories and reels; they share pictures of different places to express how enjoyable their journey is. If you also have such a hobby of taking pictures on platforms and railway tracks, then be careful, taking selfies can lead to six months in jail along with a fine.

The accident happened while taking a selfie on a railway track

Recently, while taking a selfie, a video of the railway track in front under the bridge passing through Rayala town on the Bhilwara-Ajmer railway track is going viral. In this, a 30-year-old youth named Vijendra Singh, a resident of Firozabad, Uttar Pradesh was seriously injured. Vijendra was taking a selfie with his friends on the railway track when the train arrived and despite the loco pilot blowing his horn, he did not move from the railway track. Meanwhile, Vijendra got hit by the train. The victim fell five feet away after being hit by the train. Who was admitted to the district hospital?

What is the rule of Indian Railways?

  1. Railways Act 1989 applies to all railway stations and areas of railway tracks in India. There is a provision for fines as well as jail for those who violate the Railway Act 1989. Under Sections 145 and 147 of the Railway Act, penal provisions apply to those who risk their lives by taking selfies.

According to Indian Railways, the fine for taking selfies on railway platforms and tracks can range from Rs 1000 to Rs 5000. Apart from this, the guilty person can also be jailed for up to six months. Taking selfies on railway platforms and tracks is dangerous, due to which there is a risk of accidents. Therefore, the Railways has imposed a penalty on it.

What are the many rules related to railways for railway platforms?

If you travel by Indian Railways then you should know the rules related to the platform. Indian Railways has many rules on the railway platform, which passengers must follow. By following these rules, passengers can remain safe and prevent any kind of accidents.

Railway rules on platform

  • Only ticket holders and platform ticket holders are allowed to enter the platform. Failure to have a ticket may result in a fine.
  • Carrying heavy luggage is prohibited on the platform. If you do this, the Railway Police can take action against you.
  • Eating, drinking, smoking as well as carrying smoking paraphernalia are prohibited on the platform.
  • If you are travelling with children then children should not be left alone on the platform.
  • Since it is a public place, doing acrobatics or stunts on the platform is also prohibited.

  • Use of stairs or lifts to change platforms, and climbing up or down on railway tracks is prohibited.
  • Taking selfies near and on railway tracks while travelling is prohibited.

It is very important to follow these rules for safety on the railway platform. Doing this can make your journey safe.

Image credit: Freepik