Australia is a country where people often like to travel. Even Australia is considered a better country to settle abroad. The affordable lifestyle here inspires people to come here. Not only this, the crime rate here is very low. This is also one of the reasons why people like this place very much.

Australia's magnificent coastline is a sight to behold and the wildlife of this country is also quite different. There are many things about this country, which make it special and a great place to visit. For example, the oldest evidence of life on Earth was found in Australia. So today in this article we are telling you about some of the best things related to Australia-

Unique Wildlife

Australia is home to some of the world's most unique and iconic animals, including kangaroos, koalas, wallabies, wombats and platypuses. The country is home to a large number of marsupials, with the kangaroo being the largest marsupial species. Not only this, this country is also known for its marine life, which also includes the Great Barrier Reef. It is the largest coral reef system in the world.

Australia is a continent and a country

A very interesting thing related to Australia is that it is both a continent and a country. Australia is a continent consisting of Mainland Australia, Tasmania and small surrounding islands. It is also a country. It is the only country in the world that covers an entire continent.

The cleanest air in the world

The island of Tasmania is a great place to experience the outdoors. It's a walker's paradise, with winding trails and walking paths throughout the island. It has the cleanest air in the world. If walking isn't your cup of tea, try kayaking, mountain biking and experiencing Tasmania's caves.

Number of kangaroos

We all know that kangaroos are found in Australia. But Australia is the only place in the world where kangaroos are seen in the wild. Let us tell you that there are more than 50 million kangaroos in Australia and their number is increasing every year.

Forest fire

Fire is a very common thing in the forests of Australia. Australia is struggling with forest fires due to climate change. Australia is the country with the highest number of bushfires on Earth. Bushfires occur when a fire starts and spreads rapidly in Australia's dry forests. Many animals are dying due to forest fires. Controlling this fire is also not easy.

Home of dangerous animals

When people think of Australia, they often think of the dangerous spiders and snakes that live there. But apart from this, many very deadly animals are found in Australia. Australia is home to the Inland Taipan, the world's most venomous snake as well as the tarantula, box jellyfish and blue-ringed octopus.

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