Google has many apps, due to which users get a lot of benefits. YouTube is also included in these, so if you are a creator then you need to pay attention to this news. If you have a YouTube channel and suddenly one day your YouTube channel gets hacked and your content disappears. Also, if the name of the channel is changed and access to the channel is not available, then what will happen in such a situation? This type of problem is quite common with YouTube channels. This problem is not limited to India only, it is a problem all over the world.

Google identified the problem
Google identified this problem which is constantly increasing on YouTube channels and there is also a special preparation to deal with it. Google has introduced a special tool to overcome this problem. This type of problem can be solved through AI tools. This tool is specially designed in such a way that the hacked YouTube channel can be recovered as soon as possible. Also, the YouTube channel can be fixed once again.

YouTube's AI-based recovery tool
This tool of Google will benefit those creators the most, who are completely dependent on their channel and whose account is not being accessed. This tool is very useful for creators because in most cases the channel is everything for the creators. Through the AI ​​tool rolled out on the YouTube platform, those creators will also benefit, who feel that their account can be hacked at any time, or their channel can come under the target of a hacker. In such a situation, this tool will work completely for the safety of the account.

You will have to go to the YouTube Help Center
To take advantage of YouTube's AI tool, one has to go to the YouTube Help Center. After this, any creator can take advantage of this facility. YouTube AI-powered tool has been designed in such a way that creators can easily understand its interface. For this, the AI ​​tool also guides the users, so that the benefit of the AI tool can be taken easily.

Google account will also remain safe
This tool first of all secures the Google account of the users. After this, you get control over the region and then you can take the help of the tool to ensure that the content is not deleted. There is also an option to ensure that the hacker does not make any changes in the channel name and there is no tampering with the content. YouTube AI-powered tool is currently available in English language. Also, its scope is currently limited to only a few creators. YouTube is working to expand its scope, but it may take a lot of time.

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