Many types of health problems occur during the winter season. Children and the elderly need to be most careful in this season. Cold and cough are common problems, however, apart from this, waist and back pain and joint pain also occur. Complaints of physical pain are often seen in many people during cold weather. There can be many reasons for this, like less physical activity, the body not getting sunlight as per requirement, feeling cold, etc. To get rid of these problems, it is advised to avoid cold, also if you cannot go out for exercise or walk in cold weather, then practicing some yogasanas at home can be beneficial. Here some yogasanas are being explained to get relief from waist, back and joint pain.

Bhujangasana is also called the cobra pose. The practice of this asana increases the activity of muscles. There is an expansion in the stomach, chest, and shoulders. Besides, the spine becomes stronger and there is relief from back pain. Practicing Bhujangasana regularly to relieve stress and fatigue provides health benefits.

Setubandhasana Yoga
Setubandhasana is called bridge pose. In this asana, the posture of the body is like a bridge. Practicing this yoga provides relief from back and waist pain. There is an expansion in the spinal cord. This yoga is also beneficial for the rectus, gluteus muscles, and hamstrings.

This yoga has many different names like Marjorie Pose, Cat-Cow Pose, and Bitilasana. Practicing this yoga reduces spinal problems. The torso, shoulders, and neck get stretched and back pain gets relieved.

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