Due to the wrong lifestyle and lack of nutrition in food, people suffer from many physical problems. In today's run-of-the-mill life, people have to run here and there in the wake of work. Due to the busy schedule, when the body does not get rest, pressure is put on the feet of the person and there is a problem of pain in the feet. The pain in hands and feet increases due to a disturbed lifestyle and habit of continuous sitting. People do massage to relieve this physical pain and to give relief to the hands and feet. Massage gives quick relief in pain but the pain persists for a long time. That's why yoga is beneficial as a permanent cure for body pain. According to yoga experts, the problem of pain in the hands and feet can be reduced by regular yoga practice. There are certain asanas, which strengthen the muscles of the legs and help in feeling lighter. In the next slides, know about the yoga asanas that relieve the pain of hands and feet.

This asana is also called bridge pose yoga. Setubandhasana is considered beneficial in relieving leg and back pain. By doing this asana, the circulation of blood in the muscles of the legs increases. Due to this, the pain in the feet starts getting cured. To do Setubandhasana, first, lie down on your back. Now keeping the feet shoulder-width apart, bend the knees. Open the palms and keep the hands straight on the ground. While inhaling, lift the part of the waist upwards and keep the shoulders and head resting on the flat ground. After exhaling, come back to the old position.

Uttanasana yoga practice helps to get rid of the problem of leg pain and stiffness. This asana is also beneficial for the waist and spine. To do this asana, first of all, keep the knees straight by separating the feet from the width of the hip and try to touch the back of the feet by bending forward.

Balasana is also called a child's pose. The problem of foot pain can be reduced by regular practice of this asana. To do the Child's pose, sit on the ground in the Vajrasana position. Now while breathing in, raise both your hands straight above your head. Then while exhaling, bend forward. Keeping the palms and head on the ground, take a long breath in and exhale. Now join the fingers of both your hands together and keep the head gently between the two palms. Stay in this stage for a while and then come back to the old stage.

Bhujangasana is beneficial for relieving leg and body pain. To do this asana, lie down on the ground on your stomach. Keep a short distance between both legs and take a deep breath and lift the upper part of the waist upwards. During this, keep the elbow straight and do not bring much stretch while bending the legs.

(PC: Freepik)