To maintain healthy mental and physical health, regular yoga practice is recommended. Yoga helps in keeping the body away from various diseases. Although there are many different types of yoga asanas that havedifferent effects on both physical and mental health, among them, Surya Namaskar is the basic and easy first-stage yoga practice. Surya Namaskar neither requires any equipment nor has any limit of place or time. By practicing Surya Namaskar in the right way, anywhere, anytime, you can get countless health benefits. However, it is considered best to do Surya Namaskar at the time of sunrise. Before doing Surya Namaskar, the body should be thoroughly warmed up. Let us know the correct way to practice Surya Namaskar and what should be done before doing Surya Namaskar, so that we can get many health benefits.

How to do Surya Namaskar
In Surya Namaskar, 10 parts of the body are used one after the other. At the same time, eight types of asanas in total 12 steps together complete one Surya Namaskar. Here you are being told about the practice of the four positions of Surya Namaskar.

Ajna Chakra
To do Surya Namaskar, stand straight with folded hands. Now close your eyes.

Vishuddhi chakra
While inhaling, straighten both the hands upwards, close to the ears. Bend the arms and neck backward.

Manipuraak chakra
After this, exhale slowly and bend forward. During this, keeping the hands close to the neck and ears, touch the earth on the right and left sides of the feet. During this, keep your neck straight.

Vishuddhi chakra
In this position, while inhaling, move the left leg backward and pull the chest forward. Bend your neck backward and stand on your toes while stretching your legs backward and keeping them straight. Stay in this position for some time.