Hemorrhoids are called Piles in English. This is a problem caused by swelling and irritation in the veins around the anus. In this, warts start forming in the anal area, which is very painful. Piles can be caused by constipation due to a lack of regular defecation. Symptoms include bleeding, burning and itching, and swelling of the gums in the anal area. Yoga can be beneficial to overcome the problem of piles. Yoga improves blood circulation, reduces stress, lowers the pelvic floor, and keeps the digestive system healthy, which can provide relief from the problem of piles. In this article, learn about the yogasanas which can cure the problem of piles without medicine. Is it based on medical advice?

Yoga to get relief from Piles

To practice Uttanasana, stand straight on the mat take a long breath, and move your hands upward. Then while exhaling, bend forward and touch the ground with both hands. Try to touch the toes while keeping your hands down on the ground. During this, keep the knees straight. Stay in this position for some time, then exhale while taking your hands up and stand in the normal position. The problem of sleep also goes away with this yoga.

Ardha Matsyendrasana
By practicing this asana, fat in the hips and thigh muscles is also reduced. With improved blood circulation, waist fat is reduced. To do Ardha Matsyendrasana, first, sit on the bed in the Dandasana posture. Now keeping the body straight, bend the knees of the left leg lift the right leg, and bring it to the left knee. Now place the elbow of the right hand above the knee of the right leg. After remaining in this position, repeat this asana from the other side.

To practice this asana, keep both hands and knees on the ground below the hips shoulders, and elbows in a straight line. Keep the neck and head straight and do not allow the spine to bend. Putting the body weight equally on the palms and knees, lift the waist towards the ceiling. Take a deep breath and lift your waist. Raise the head towards the ceiling.

Baddha Konasana
The practice of Baddha Konasana does not cause problems of fatigue and stress and is also beneficial in sciatica and hernia. To practice this asana, sit with your legs straight. Like butterfly posture, bend your knees and touch the soles of each other. Press the knees downwards until they touch the ground. During this, hold both feet with your hands. Keep in mind that do this asana until the body becomes flexible.

To practice Dhanurasana, lie down on your stomach, bend both your legs, and move them upwards. Holding the toes of the feet with both hands, inhale and pull the feet upward. After remaining in this position for some time, come back to normal position.

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