Diabetes and asthma patients need to be most careful on the occasion of Diwali. Many types of dishes and sweets are prepared in this festival, consumption of which can increase the problems of diabetic patients. At the same time, people burn firecrackers to celebrate the festival of Diwali, due to which there is a risk of increasing the complications of asthma patients. The smoke emanating from firecrackers increases the problems of asthma patients.

Health experts say that firecrackers contain many types of harmful chemicals, which when burnt pollute the environment and can be harmful for respiratory patients including asthma. In such a situation, if the risk of increasing complications of asthma patients due to firecrackers on the occasion of Diwali is to be reduced, then practicing some yogasanas can be beneficial. Start practicing yoga asanas from now, so that the problem of asthma can be prevented from increasing.

Yoga asanas to control asthma
Kapalbhati Pranayama

Kapalbhati Pranayam is effective for relief from breathing-related problems. Practicing this asana relieves breathing problems and calms the mind. The nervous system becomes active. Kapalbhati Pranayama clears all the nerves of the body and improves blood circulation.

The practice of Pawanmuktasana yoga is considered good for asthma patients. Regular practice of this yoga asana massages the abdominal organs and helps in digestion and the release of gas. To avoid breathing-related problems during Diwali, start practicing Pawanmuktasana.

Setubandhasana is called bridge pose. Practicing this asana can reduce thyroid problems. Opens the chest and lungs and improves digestion. Setubandhasana is a very effective yoga practice for asthma patients.

Bhujangasana is practiced in cobra posture. By doing this asana, blood circulation improves. Regular practice of this asana is beneficial for asthma patients. Regular practice of Bhujangasana will prevent respiratory problems caused by firecrackers.

(PC: iStock)