Yoga is necessary to remain energetic in a busy life. Along with staying energetic, yoga is also effective for making the body flexible and increasing physical capacity. Yoga also provides mental peace and balance. Regular yoga practice strengthens the muscles of the body, increases flexibility, and keeps the energy level high. Here we will learn about some such yogasanas, by practicing daily you can make your body energetic and flexible.

Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar is considered to be the best yoga asana for the whole body. Surya Namaskar is done in 12 steps, which makes all the major muscles and joints of the body strong and flexible. It also helps in increasing blood circulation in the body and improving energy.

To do this asana, stand straight and join the hands in Namaste Mudra. While taking a deep breath, raise the hands up and then bend forward. Take the feet back and come into the posture of Dandasana and while exhaling, slowly move forward and bend on the ground. Complete this process in 12 steps.


Regular practice of this asana strengthens the spine and brings flexibility to the back. The practice of Bhujangasana promotes the flow of energy in the body. It also helps in relieving muscle tension.

To practice Bhujangasana, lie down on your stomach and place your hands on the ground near the shoulders. While breathing slowly, lift the upper part of the body up. Take the head back look towards the sky and take a deep breath.


Trikonasana is a beneficial yoga exercise in making the lower and upper parts of the body flexible. This asana stretches the muscles of the hips, thighs, and waist, which improves the balance and flexibility of the body. Also, it helps in increasing the flow of energy in the body.

To do Trikonasana, stand straight and maintain distance between both feet. Then bend the right hand towards the right leg take it downwards and straighten the left hand upwards. Stay in this position for some time and then repeat it in the other direction as well.

Vrikshasana is beneficial in making the body flexible as well as improving balance. The practice of Vrikshasana strengthens the muscles. It helps increase the flow of energy in the body and achieve mental peace.

For Vrikshasana, stand straight lift one leg, and place it on the thigh of the other leg. Then join both hands in Namaste Mudra and take them above the head. After staying in this position for some time, repeat from the other side.

This asana stretches the back part of the body and increases flexibility. Also, it strengthens the abdominal muscles and removes fatigue. This yogasana also helps in reducing mental stress.

For the practice of Paschimottanasana, sit with the legs stretched forward. Slowly bend forward and hold the toes of the feet with the hands. Try to bring your head closer to your feet and take a deep breath.