These days cases of typhoid fever are spreading. Contaminated water and food is also a factor in the spread of typhoid. The duration of typhoid fever is 1–2 weeks, with the fever lasting about 3–4 weeks. During this, the patient may complain of headache, fever, body pain, nausea, diarrhea or constipation, abdominal pain, and phlegm. If treated at the right time, the symptoms can be cured in 3-4 days. Although the body becomes very weak after fever.

Vomiting and diarrhea during a fever can lead to severe dehydration. This makes one feel weak. During this, sufficient water and juice should be consumed, so that the problem of dehydration can be overcome and weakness in fever can be removed. Apart from this, the practice of some yogasanas is also helpful to get rid of the problem of typhoid fever and for quick recovery from fever. Experts recommend yoga. Yoga is beneficial for a healthy mind and body. Quick recovery from fever can be done through the practice of yoga.

Tadasana yoga is effective in arthritis, and heart disease, making the body flexible, and strengthening the back and arms. The practice of this asana removes fatigue and relieves stress and anxiety. To practice Tadasana, stand straight with feet apart. Keeping both hands in line with the waist, join the palms and fingers. Keep the neck straight, keep the eyes in front, and lift the feet towards the ankles. Keep the full weight of the body on the toes.

Tree pose
Vrikshasana can be practiced for recovery from typhoid fever. Concentration increases by doing this yoga, and muscles become strong. The body becomes flexible and the spine becomes strong. To do this asana, stand straight keeping distance between the feet. Now fold the right leg and place it on the left thigh. While inhaling, raise the hand and make Namaskar Mudra by joining the palms together and keeping the mind steady.

The practice of this yoga reduces the pressure on the stomach. Prevention of cancer, and relief from stomach problems, such as digestion and constipation. To do this asana, raise the right leg from the floor and place it on the inner thigh and balance the body on the left leg. Supporting the feet with the palms, come into the pranam mudra and look upwards.

(PC: Freepik)