Incorporate yoga into your daily routine for a healthy body and relaxing mind. According to experts, it is very beneficial for physical and mental health. By doing yoga, many types of physical problems are relieved, and due to the strong immunity, one can stay away from diseases. Yoga can be done at any time, but the practice of Yogasana in the morning is more effective. However, in the busy lifestyle and run-of-the-mill life, it is difficult for people to find time to do yoga in the morning. In such a situation, you can do some yogasanas in the evening or even before sleeping at night. Due to not getting time in the whole day, you can practice yogasanas in bed at night. It improves blood flow, reduces stress, improves digestion, and leads to better sleep. Make it a habit to practice some yogasanas just 15 minutes before sleeping.

Shalabhasana should be practiced before sleeping at night. To do this asana, keep both palms under the thighs while lying on the stomach. Straighten the paws by connecting the ankles of both legs. Now slowly take a deep breath while trying to raise the legs. Stay in this state for some time.

Shavasana can also be practiced while lying on the bed. By doing this asana, the nervous system calms down, and tired muscles and shoulders get relief. To practice Shavasana, make a distance of one foot between the two legs by lying on the back. Breathe comfortably leaving the body loose towards the toes of the feet.

Due to the tiredness of the day and the pressure of work, both the body and the mind get tired and feel stressed. You can practice Balasana for some time before sleeping at night. To do this asana, sit on the mat in the Vajrasana position and take your hands above your head while inhaling. While exhaling, bend forward and rest the palms and head on the ground. While inhaling and exhaling, join the fingers together and keep the head between both palms.
(PC: Freepik)