The weather is starting to get cold. Cold winds in this season cause many diseases. Often people start complaining of cold during the winter season. Although the problem of cold and cough gets cured in a few days, sometimes cold and cough bother people for many days.

Along with this, the possibility of viral infection also increases in winter. In this season, lack of exercise and going out for a walk reduces, which can cause cold and cough. Viral infections or colds can be avoided by taking necessary precautions and treating seasonal diseases at the right time.

Here you are being told how to prevent cold and cough through yoga. Some yoga asanas help in improving immunity and staying healthy along with keeping away from diseases occurring in the winter season.

Balm bhastrika
Practicing this yoga provides great relief from colds and coughs. For the practice of Bam Bhastrika, close the right nostril with the thumb of the right hand and inhale and exhale rapidly through the left nostril. Do this process ten times. Keep in mind that while inhaling the stomach should come in and while exhaling the stomach should come out. Repeat this process towards the left nostril also.

To prevent seasonal diseases, Bhujangasana should be practiced regularly. To do this asana, lie down on your stomach and place your palms below your shoulders. While inhaling, lift the front parts of the body upwards. Remain in this position for 10-20 seconds and then come back to the normal position. Bhujangasana is considered beneficial in many other health problems.

The practice of Pawanmuktasana Yoga keeps away from colds and coughs. To do this, lie down on your back and join both your legs, and place your palms on the ground. Now bend the right leg at the knee and bring it to the chest. Then join the fingers of both your hands and hold them slightly below the knee. Now if there is pressure on the chest from the feet, slowly exhale in and out.

To do Vajrasana, sit on your knees. Now set your thighs on the heels and place your hands on the thighs. Keeping your back straight, take deep breaths and remain in this position for about 10 minutes, then return to a relaxed sitting position.

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