“Pain in the waist and back is normal but sometimes the pain becomes unbearable. Slip disc complaint occurs due to sitting in the wrong posture for hours, wrong lifestyle, and eating habits. A slipped disc is a health condition of the spine, which is usually caused by bone wear and injury.

Nowadays the complaints of slip disc are increasing among the youth. According to a report, about 80 percent of the youth in India are troubled by the problem of slipped discs. In case of a slipped disc, the last treatment is considered to be operation. However, this problem can be identified in time and proper treatment can be taken. Yoga is also an effective treatment process for this. Practicing some yoga asanas can be beneficial in reducing the unbearable pain caused by slipped discs.

In this article, information is given about some yogasanas to reduce the pain caused by back pain or slipped disc.

This asana is done last after any yoga practice. This is a difficult asana, which can be done properly with practice. The practice of Shavasana improves the body and internal energy. To reduce the pain caused by slipped discs, you can practice Shavasana.

Bhujangasana puts pressure on the upper bones of the spine. In this yoga asana, the shape of the body is like a snake with its hood raised. You can practice Bhujangasana to get relief from back pain and to make the body flexible.

The practice of Ustrasana is effective in removing spinal problems. In this asana, the body is in the camel posture. To perform the asana, the body is tilted backward. Spinal problems due to pressure go away.

The practice of Shalabhasana provides relief from slipped disc and back pain. To do this asana, the spine is bent by lying on the stomach on the ground. By doing asanas correctly, one can get rid of many problems.
​(PC: iStock)