World Environment Day is celebrated on 5 May. Environment Day is celebrated every year to make people aware to protect and protect the environment around the world. Air pollution is one of the causes of damage to the environment. As much as polluted air affects nature, it is equally fatal for the human body.

Many cities in India are in the grip of severe air pollution, including Delhi. The lungs are most affected by continuous exposure to air pollution. By breathing in polluted air, harmful elements pass through your airways and go into the lungs. Due to this, the risk of many types of serious diseases increases.

Health experts say, due to pollution, the heart and lungs have to work harder to supply oxygen to the body. Due to this the capacity of the lungs becomes weak. However, to strengthen the lungs by practicing yoga asanas, yoga asanas can be included in the routine. The habit of practicing yoga removes respiratory disorders as well as strengthens the lungs. Let us know the beneficial yoga asanas for the strength of the lungs.

Kapalbhati Pranayama
Kapalbhati Pranayama is considered beneficial for the health of the whole body. Kapalbhati is beneficial for both mental and physical health. Kapalbhati Pranayama strengthens the lungs as well as reduces the risk of respiratory diseases. Helps clear mucus from the airways, reduces inflammation, and improves lung capacity. Practice this yoga regularly to avoid the risks of air pollution.

Sukhasana Yoga
To remove the anomalies of the lungs, one can practice Sukhasana. It helps to remove harmful toxins from the muscles of the lungs by promoting blood flow to the lungs. People who are suffering from respiratory diseases should practice Sukhasana regularly.

Lungs benefit from Bhujangasana yoga
Bhujangasana yoga or the cobra pose is not only a great exercise for mental peace, but it is also considered very effective for the chest and lungs. This yoga posture, which strengthens the spine and relieves the symptoms of asthma, has also been found beneficial in the problem of back pain. The habit of regular practice of Bhujangasana Yoga is also helpful in reducing the risk of heart disease.

(PC: Freepik)