Most people use smartphones, computers and laptops for extended periods. Due to this, people have to face many types of physical problems. Due to wrong posture and faulty lifestyle, the body configuration gets distorted, i.e. the sitting posture becomes faulty. In such a situation, while doing desk work, keep the posture of your spine correct. The spine should be straight, the chest should be slightly expanded, the chin should be pointing upwards, the shoulders should be in a broad and relaxed posture and the stomach should be kept inwards.

However, wrong posture can cause the problem of a hump on the neck or back. Due to sitting in the wrong position for a long time, a lot of fat gets accumulated on the neck and a neck hump may appear. To avoid the problem of the hunchback, sit in the correct posture. You can also practice yogasanas to correct the hump in the neck. Practice these yogasanas to reduce hump.

To reduce the hump in the neck, lie down on the ground on your stomach, keeping your elbows close to your waist and palms facing upwards. While inhaling, lift the chest upwards and slowly lift the stomach part. Wait for a few seconds in this position. Now while exhaling, slowly lower the stomach, and chest, and then head towards the ground.

To do this asana, sit on your knees and put your body weight on the heels. Taking a deep breath, bend forward and try to touch the chest with the thighs. Now try to touch the floor with your forehead. After remaining in this state for some time, comes back to normal state.

The practice of Shalabhasana is also beneficial to get rid of the hump. To do this asana, lie down on your stomach on the ground and place your palms below the thighs. Keep the head, neck, and mouth straight. Taking a long deep breath, try to lift both the legs upward simultaneously. Hold this posture for 10-15 seconds. Then bring the legs down. Now exhale and come back to normal position. Repeat this asana 3-5 times.

(PC: Freepik)