Any person falls due to any reason like hurrying, panic, or slipping. Usually, people slip and fall on their back and waist, due to which they get a deep injury on the back or lower part of their body. Sometimes the injury is not serious but still causes a lot of pain, such as red and blue marks of injury on the back, waist, or hip due to falling.

The reason for this is that blood vessels get damaged when injured. Small blood vessels can burst, due to which blood comes out and accumulates under the skin. Initially, it is red blood but with time due to lack of oxygen, the color of the blood accumulated under the skin changes to blue or purple.

Swelling and inflammation also occur after the injury, which can cause redness and pain in the affected area. In such a situation, there may be problems in getting up and sitting. Some yogasanas are effective in reducing back and waist pain due to injury or other reasons. However, before doing yoga in case of injury, take medical advice.

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
In this asana, lie down on the stomach and place the palms under the shoulders. Exhale and pull the chest upwards. Lift the body in the line of the hands. Stay in this position for some time and breathe. The practice of Bhujangasana strengthens the spine. Symptoms of asthma are reduced. Stress and fatigue are relieved. It stretches the muscles of the chest, lungs and stomach.

To do this asana, sit on your knees on the yoga mat and put the weight of the body on the heels. Now bend forward while taking a deep breath and touch the chest with the thighs. Then try to touch the floor with the forehead. After staying in this position for a few seconds, come back to a normal state. Repeat this process 3-5 times.

To do this asana, lie down on the back of the ground, bend the knees, and keep the soles on the ground. Hold the heels of the feet with both hands. While breathing, slowly lift your body. Stay in the posture for 1-2 minutes. Exhale and come back to the starting posture.

The practice of Tadasana gives relief from back pain. To do this asana, stand on the heels and toes by keeping a distance between both feet. Then take the hands above the waist line and join the palms and fingers. Keep the neck straight, and at the same time raise the heels and put the weight of the body on the toes. Stay in this position for some time while maintaining balance, then come back to the old position.