Both the festival of Navratri and the month of Ramadan have started. Worshipers fast for nine days of Navratri, one of the famous festivals of Hinduism. People also keep fast during Ramadan, the most important festival of the Muslim religion. Both festivals are fast. In which people do not eat anything throughout the day. It is summer season and it can be difficult to live without food in this season. You may also feel hungry during fasting. Many people feel hungry again and again. There is also a risk of weight gain due to excessive hunger. People adopt many methods to control hunger. Some people try to keep themselves more busy while others sleep the whole day so that they do not feel hungry. But this has a bad effect on health. Some yoga asanas are beneficial to control hunger, the practice of which helps in staying hungry during fasting or diet.

By practicing Halasana, increasing weight and hunger are controlled. To practice Halasana, lie down on your back on the mat slowly lift both your legs up behind your head, and touch the floor. If you are not able to touch the floor with your feet, then try to take them to the maximum limit and remain in this position for a few seconds. This asana reduces belly fat and also reduces hunger.

By doing this asana you can control your hunger. To do Virabhadrasana 2, stand straight on the yoga mat take the left leg forward, and bend the knee. During this, keeping the right ankle outside, raise the hands upwards towards the side in your direction. Stay in this position for 30 seconds.

Downward-facing breathing posture
To reduce hunger, regular practice of Adho Mukha Svanasana can be done. To do this asana, lie down on your stomach and raise your hips while keeping your feet and hands on the ground. Now keeping the head downwards, press the heels towards the floor. Stay in this position for 30 seconds, then come back to normal posture.