Loss of appetite and remaining without eating throughout the day is a common problem that can happen to anyone at any age. However, there may be some important reasons and side effects. Sometimes appetite decreases due to health problems like diabetes, thyroid, cancer, or other diseases. Mental stress and anxiety also affect the process of feeling hungry. Appetite may decrease due to many reasons like irregular and incomplete diet, busy lifestyle, intake of medicines, menstrual cycle, etc.

At the same time, lack of appetite can lead to nutritional deficiency in the body. Due to this, weight is lost, weakness may occur and due to prolonged starvation, the person may have to face various health-related disorders. To avoid such problems, you can practice yoga. Yoga can help increase appetite, which also keeps health healthy.

Dhanurasana is considered very good for reducing weight as well as improving the digestive system and removing the problem of loss of appetite.

How to practice: To practice Dhanurasana, lie down on your stomach on the mat and keep a distance between the two legs. Bend the knees upwards, hold the ankles with your hands, and lift the chest and legs. Feel the stretch in the arms and thighs. After remaining in this position for some time, slowly return to the initial position.

Practicing Vajrasana can be beneficial for increasing appetite. You can do this asana anytime and anywhere.

How to practice: To practice Vajrasana, sit on your knees. In this situation, there should not be a gap between the feet, and the toes of both feet should be together. Keeping the hips on the heels, keep the waist straight, and place the palms on the knees. Keep in mind that both knees should also meet each other. Concentrate on breathing normally for some time. Return to normal position after some time.

Stomach upset can be one reason for loss of appetite. Practicing Bhujangasana can solve the problem of loss of appetite and is beneficial in improving digestion.

How to practice: To practice Bhujangasana, lie down on your stomach keep both hands at the sides, and keep distance between the legs. Now lift the front part of the body by putting pressure on both hands. In this position, maintain normal breathing while looking towards the sky. Remain in this position for some time and then slowly return to the starting position.