Often home wives have many physical problems. Due to the house family handling and kitchen functioning, there is a pain in some parts of their body. This pain suddenly increases or becomes a problem during work. While kneading the dough starts pain in the wrist and fingers, then there is an increase in back pain while washing clothes or during cleaning the house. Women who were washing dishes, or working in the kitchen for a long time, there is pain in their back and spine. Indian women mostly ignore this pain during domestic work. However, women can get relief from wrist, hand, feet, and back and back pain by doing some yoga or exercise comfortably. Let us know about the beneficial yoga asanas for housewives.

Yogasan for hips and thigh pain
Malasan- Women who have pain in their feet and thighs, should do Malasan. Malason's practice strengthens the bones of the feet, hips, and thighs. To do this asana, stand upright on the mat. Fold the knees and sit with the hands of Namaste. Keep a distance between the knees in this pose.

Yogasan for waist and back pain
Bhujangasana- Working throughout the day often causes women's waist and back pain. In such a situation, they should practice regular Bhujangasana yoga. This asana relieves back pain. To do Bhujangasana, bring the ground late on the ground. Now mix the feet and place the palms on the shoulders near the chest. Keep the forehead on the ground and take a deep breath and lift the front part of the body upwards. Then stand straight on both hands and stay in this state for about 15-20 seconds. Later, while exhaling, return to the normal posture.

Yogasan for wrist and hands
Vashisthasana - To strengthen the hands and wrists, Vashisthasana Yoga should be practiced regularly. This asana emphasizes hands, which strengthens the muscles. To perform this asana, keep the weight of your entire body on one hand and raise the other hand in the air in the sky.

Yogasan for neck and shoulder pain
Makarasan- If there is frequent pain in the shoulders and neck, then practice Makarasana Yoga. This causes the spine to normal and can reduce the problem of neck pain. To reduce the stiffness of the shoulder and neck muscles, lie both elbows on the ground by lying on the stomach to practice Makarasana. Raising the head and shoulders and keeping a chin on the palms. Take a deep breath and spread the elbows lightly. Now take both legs from the bottom up. Repeat this cycle.

(PC: Freepik)