It has become very difficult to maintain mental peace in today's busy life. Workload, family responsibilities and social pressure, all these together surround us with stress and anxiety. In such situations, sometimes there is a lot of difficulty in focusing on work. In this situation, doing yoga is one of the most effective solutions.

This asana strengthens the spine and reduces stress. To do this, you have to lie on your stomach and raise your chest.

Meditation is an effective way to bring concentration and mental peace. To do this, you have to sit in a quiet place and concentrate on your breathing.

This asana helps in calming the mind and reducing stress. To do this, you have to sit on your knees and rest your forehead on the ground.

This asana gives complete relaxation to the body and mind. To do this, you have to lie on your back and close your eyes.

This pranayam is very beneficial for concentration and mental peace. To do this, you have to inhale through one nostril and exhale through the other nostril.

(PC: Zee news)