It is the summer season. In this season, girls wear sleeveless T-shirts or tops. Whereas shorts or mini dress carry. Due to excess fat in thick arms or legs, wearing such clothes gives an ugly look. Feeling overweight. Belly and waist fat is commonly understood as obesity. To reduce it, people adopt different methods. But by reducing the fat of the arms or getting toned legs, you can easily carry the clothes of your choice. Looks ugly due to obesity on the hands. But there is no need to worry. You can practice yogasanas to reduce the fat in your arms and legs. Yoga can reduce belly and neck fat as well as make the legs toned.

To reduce the fat on your hands, you can practice Vashisthasana. By the way, this posture helps reduce the fat of the waist. To do this asana, first, make a plank pose. Then put the weight of the hands and feet on the right side. After that, while raising the left leg and hand upwards, place the left paw on the right paw. Keep your left hand on your thighs. While breathing in, stay in this position for a few moments. Later, while exhaling, come to the plank position.

Along with thick arms, you can practice Konasana to reduce the fat on the thigh. To do this asana, first of all, stand straight. Keeping the distance between the feet, take a long breath and move the left hand upwards. While exhaling, tilt the body to the left by bending the spine.

Extending the left arm up, turn the head to look upwards and keep the elbows in a straight line. While inhaling come back to the old posture and while exhaling bring your left hand down.

Regular Malasana can be practiced to make the legs toned. Malasana is an excellent pose to strengthen the thighs and legs. This asana helps in removing stiffness in the lower body. To do Malasana, stand in the Tadasana position keeping distance between the feet. Bend the knees in a squat position. Leaning forward bend both the arms and keep the knees inside. Now keep the hands near the heart in Namaskar Mudra.

(PC: Freepik)