With aging comes many health problems. Knee pain, joint and back pain, and muscle problems are prominent in age-related diseases. At the same time, with age, bones also become weak, due to which joint pain increases. The elderly have difficulty in walking and it becomes difficult in everyday work. Although the elderly body consumes medicines to get rid of pain and other physical problems. But medicines cannot strengthen the bones and muscles, but can only reduce the pain for some time. Daily yoga practice strengthens the bones and can also reduce joint pain. In such a situation, there are some effective yoga asanas for the elderly, whose practice can be used to get rid of diseases that occur with aging. Here we are talking about effective yoga asanas for the elderly.

Regular practice of Pranayama straightens the spine and provides relief from back pain. Pranayama also helps in relieving joint pain.

To do Pranayama, sit cross-legged on the mat. Keep the mind calm by closing your eyes and pressing the right nostril with the right thumb and inhaling through the left nostril. Exhale through the right nostril by pressing the nostril of the left nostril with the ring finger. Repeat this process on the other side. Do this posture for some time.

The practice of Tadasana strengthens the thighs, ankles, and hands. The digestive system improves and the body structure improves.

To do Tadasana, stand straight and keep the spine straight. Taking a deep breath, keeping the gap between the two legs, moving both hands above the head, and joining the palms. Stay in this position for 15 seconds while lifting the whole body upwards. Then return to the normal state and pay attention to the speed of the breath. Now exhale by moving the hands downwards. Repeat this asana 10-15 times.

The practice of this yoga helps in fighting constipation by stimulating the abdominal organs. Back and legs become strong. The health of the heart and lungs improves. The practice of this yoga is effective in promoting flexibility and reducing many problems faced by the elderly.

(PC: Freepik)