The time for board exams has come. As soon as the exam date sheet is released, children become worried about the exam. Especially the students who are going to appear for the board exam for the first time, start feeling a lot of stress regarding the exam. As examination time approaches, many children start falling ill, one reason for this is stress. Due to stress, he does not eat or drink properly, nor does he get enough sleep. In such a situation, children feel physically and mentally tired during the examination.

Parents of children preparing for exams should take full care of their diet and routine. To reduce exam stress and increase concentration in studies, children should make it a habit to practice some yoga asanas regularly. Children preparing for exams should start the day with these yogasanas every morning.

To concentrate the mind of children for studies, make them practice Tadasana yoga. Tadasana increases the breathing capacity of children. To do this asana, stand straight and keep some distance between the legs. Taking a deep breath, raise both hands upward. Stretch and stand on your toes while lifting your heels. In this state you will feel stretch in every part of the body. Now after staying in this position for some time, return to normal position. Repeat this asana 10 to 15 times.

This asana has many health benefits. To practice Bhujangasana, lie straight on your stomach and keep a little distance between your legs. Now take your hands near the chest and keep the palms down. Taking a deep breath, raise the navel and look towards the sky. Stay in that posture for some time. During this period, keep breathing normally. Then come back to the previous state. Repeat this process three-four times.

To practice Parvatasana, first sit in Padmasana. Now clasp the fingers of both the hands together and take a long breath and move the hands upwards. Draw the body and hands as above. Hold your breath during the stretch. Now slowly exhale and come back to the old posture. Repeat this asana four to five times.

To practice Padahastasana, stand straight and keep your hands joined to the body. Breathe inward and raise your hands above your head. During this, keep the body stretched upwards. Now while exhaling, keep the spine straight. During this, bend forward while keeping the knees and hands straight. Now place your hands on the floor or try to hold the ankles.
​(PC: iStock)