Everything needs cleaning from time to time, even if it is your body. Generally, it is seen that to detox the body, we consume different types of juices or detox water. But along with this, if some yoga asanas are practiced, then you get additional benefits. Yes, yoga not only calms the body and mind, but it also provides you with overall health benefits.

Practicing Yogasana regularly helps in getting rid of many diseases. At the same time, the body also gets detoxified naturally. Through yoga, lactic acid is easily removed from the carbon dioxide present in the body. Due to this the flow of blood to all the parts of the body also improves. It is also helpful in increasing your strength from digestion. So, today in this article, Jitendra Kaushik, founder of Blossom Yoga and yoga expert, is telling you about some such yoga asanas, which will help you a lot in detoxing the body.


Practicing Ardhamatsyendrasana is considered very good for detoxing the body. While practicing this asana, the body twists and this puts pressure on the abdominal area. In such a situation, the digestion system improves. At the same time, it also puts pressure on the pancreas, which helps in flushing out the toxins present in the body.

  • To practice this asana, first, sit on the ground by laying on a mat.
  • During this, spread your legs straight in front and keep the waist and spine straight.
  • Now bend the left leg and the heel of the left leg will be closer to your right hip.
  • At the same time, take the right leg above the left knee. In this way, a triangle would be forming with your feet.
  • Now place your left hand on the right knee. Also, keep the right hand behind you.
  • While doing this, your waist, shoulders and neck will turn to the right. Keep your eyes on the right shoulder.
  • Keep in mind that while coming in this posture, your waist should be very straight.
  • Stay in this position for a few moments and then return to the starting position.
  • Now practice this from the other side as well.

Prasarita Padottanasana

Prasarita Padottanasana is also helpful in detoxing the body. People also call it wide-legged standing forward bend. This asana pulls the head towards the direction of gravity, which improves blood circulation throughout your body. At the same time, there is pressure on your stomach and helps in flushing out the toxins.

  • To practice this asana, first, stand on a mat.
  • Keep your feet at a distance of three to four feet.
  • Now take a deep breath and pull your stomach in.
  • Now while exhaling, bend forward and bend your waist.
  • Keep both hands on the ground and try to touch the head on the ground.
  • Stay in this posture for some time.
  • After that, you stop at the initial stage.

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