Whenever we comb, a bunch of hair comes out. What do we do to avoid this? We use different types of hair products. But even after this the hair fall does not reduce, is the hair fall not stopping despite your best efforts?

If yes, then it may be a matter of concern. Although hair fall is a common problem, it does not always happen. Hair fall problems may occur sometimes. In such a situation, it is very important to take a good diet and do asanas regularly.

Our expert Dr. Hitesh Khurana says that not taking proper care of hair, hormonal imbalance and lack of nutrients in the diet also cause hair thinning. But how do we know whether the reason for our hair fall is vitamins, hormonal imbalance or lack of nutrients?

You must have heard about yoga asanas helping your hair growth, right? Therefore, along with hair products do yoga as well. Although there are many postures, which can be done easily, do the postures mentioned by us, and you will get the benefit in a few days.

What can be the causes of hair fall?

  • Hair also starts falling due to excessive stress.
  • Excessive consumption of medicines also causes the problem of hair fall.
  • Lack of water also causes the problem of hair fall. Hair also starts falling due to hairstyle and hair treatment.
  • Changes in hormones can also be the reason for this problem.
  • Increasing age also gives rise to this problem because, after a certain age, many people start losing hair.

Black mudra will stop hair fall

To get rid of hair fall, doing Kali Mudra is considered good. You do not need to perform any meditation posture while sitting. You can do this with regular practice of warrior pose.

However, the benefits of this posture will be available only when it is done correctly. So let us know how this posture can be done.

How to do Kali Mudra?

  • Both hands will be needed to do this posture.
  • To do this, join the index, middle, ring and little fingers together.
  • Then do this posture while pointing upwards.
  • Keep in mind that the left thumb should be crossed over the right one.

Benefits of black currency

  • This posture is helpful in digestion.
  • Encourages sweating which helps detox the body.
  • Prana's meaning helps create “life force energy” in the body.
  • Removes negativity, anxiety, depression as well as insomnia.
  • With Kali Maa Meditation or Kali Maa Mantra, it strengthens the feminine energy within us.

Note- Along with doing asanas, also pay attention to your diet because it is very important to eat green vegetables and fruits to get fair skin. Also, avoid eating junk food.

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