Deteriorating lifestyle and inactivity have a profound effect on mental health. Depression and stress have become a common problem in today's busy lifestyle. If mental disorders and stress conditions are not improved at the right time, it can become a cause of serious disease.

A healthy lifestyle, nutritious food, and physical activity are necessary to avoid mental health problems. Along with this, mental health can also be improved with yoga and meditation posture. Yoga is an effective and natural remedy to deal with mental health problems. Yoga not only keeps the body healthy but also maintains mental peace and balance. Here are some yogasanas and pranayama, which can help prevent depression and stress.

Yoga is a wonderful way to control depression and stress. With regular yoga practice, you can achieve mental balance and avoid mental health problems like depression. Along with this, mental peace can also be achieved by adopting healthy eating and a balanced lifestyle. Here are some yoga asanas which can be beneficial for mental health.

Corpse Pose

The practice of Shavasana provides complete peace and relaxation to the body and mind. The practice of this asana reduces stress and anxiety and keeps the mind calm. To do Shavasana, lie on your back, leave the hands loose on the side of the body, and breathe deeply. Stay in this position for 5-10 minutes.

Child Pose

The practice of Balasana helps reduce stress and depression. This asana gives peace and relaxation to the brain. Sit in the position of Vajrasana and bend forward. Rest your forehead on the ground. Stay in this position for 2-5 minutes.

Downward Facing Dog Pose

You can practice Adhomukha Svanasana to improve your mental health. This asana improves blood circulation in the body and provides oxygen to the brain, which reduces stress and depression. By practicing this asana, bend on the ground with your hands and feet, raise your hips, and keep your head down. Maintain this for a few minutes.