Constipation problems have become common nowadays. Wrong eating habits, disturbed routines, and less exercise are the reasons for this. Stomach not being clear, stomach aches, and restlessness are all symptoms of constipation. Many home remedies are adopted to get relief from constipation, but sometimes they are not effective.

If you are troubled by the problem of constipation, then yoga can be beneficial for you. Some easy yoga asanas not only keep the problem of constipation away but also make the digestion process better. Let us know about 4 such yogasanas which you can include in your daily routine.

1. Merkatasana

To do this asana, first lie down on your back. Now keep both legs straight together. After this, bend the right leg and place its sole on the ground near the left thigh. Now take the left hand behind the left shoulder and hold the right ankle with the right hand. Stay in this position for some time and then repeat the asana from the other side. Doing Merkatasana massages the intestines, and relieves the problem of constipation.

2. Pavanmuktasana
Lie on your back and keep both legs straight together. Now slowly bend both knees and put them on the chest. Hold the knees with both hands and do not remove the head from the ground. Stay in this position for some time and then slowly exhale and straighten the legs back. Doing Pavanmuktasana massages the abdominal organs and also relieves the problem of gas.

3. Vajrasana
To do Vajrasana, sit on your knees. Now sit with the toes of both feet together and keep the heels under the buttocks. Keep the spine straight and keep the hands on the knees. Sit comfortably in this asana for some time and keep breathing deeply. Vajrasana strengthens the digestive process and relieves constipation.

4. Balasana
To do Balasana, first, sit on your knees. Now rest your buttocks on your heels and touch your forehead to the ground. Spread both hands on both sides of your body. Relax in this position for some time and keep breathing deeply. Balasana reduces stress and improves digestion.

Before doing these yogasanas, make sure that your stomach is empty. If you are suffering from any disease, then consult a doctor before doing yogasanas. Along with yoga, a balanced diet and drinking an adequate amount of water are also a great way to prevent constipation.

(PC: Freepik)