Along with keeping the environment clean, trees and plants also give us many types of flowers, fruits and vegetables. The smell of fruits and vegetables makes people feel like eating them, but do you know that there is such a fruit in the world, which is not known for its fragrance, but for its stench, let us tell you Let's talk about this fruit.

What is the name of the fruit?

Durian is the stinkiest fruit in the world. This fruit looks like jackfruit. It is found very commonly in South East Asia. The inner part of this fruit is yellow. This fruit also has thorns which if accidentally pricked by the eater, can injure him. The smell of this fruit is like dirty socks, so many people do not like to eat this fruit.

Why is this fruit stinky?

According to research by Earth Sky, durian contains 44 different chemical compounds that produce odour and 3 of these compounds are found for the first time in a natural substance. According to scientists, the smell of this fruit is not due to any one compound, but due to the combination of all these compounds together. This fruit has a mixed smell of honey, sulphur, caramel, soup, rotten eggs, rotten cabbage, roasted onions and rotten fruit, which is why it stinks.

Smell of durian

Durian's smell is so strong and bad that it is often kept separately in glass boxes in fruit shops. This fruit is known for its distinct taste and nutritional value.

It is also used to make many medicines. It contains Vitamin-B6, Vitamin-C, Folic Acid and Vitamin-A.

How much is the cost of this fruit?

In the year 2019, two durian fruits were sold in Indonesia and at that time the cost of one durian was about 70 thousand rupees. The inner part is eaten by removing the thorns on the upper part of this fruit.

image credit- Healthline