Mental health problems are an increasingly common serious condition, affecting people of almost all ages. Health experts say the big concern about mental health disorders is that a large number of patients are unable to access treatment due to social taboos. These disorders can be of many types like stress, anxiety, and depression, etc. If they are not treated on time, there can be a risk of many serious physical health problems.

World Mental Health Day is celebrated every year on 10 October to make people aware of mental health disorders at the global level.

Among mental health disorders, problems like stress, anxiety, and depression are considered to be the most common, but these three are different conditions from each other. You too are not considering these as the same problem. Let us know what is the difference between them. All people need to know this.

Know about stress first
Stress is a normal situation, it can be circumstantial. May be caused by stress, emotional or physical problems. You may also feel stressed due to some event or thought, in most cases, this goes away on its own. However, if the problem of stress persists for a long time and normal measures do not help, then you should consult a doctor in this regard.

To understand in simple words, when we feel pressure or danger, our response is stress. This usually happens when we are in a situation that we do not feel is becoming difficult to manage or control the situation.

Anxiety problem
Anxiety is also known as a worry disorder. It expresses the feeling of problem, fear, dread, and restlessness. In this, you may sweat, feel restless and nervous and your heartbeat may increase. The problem of anxiety is temporary, although in some situations it can have long-term side effects.

If your anxiety problem is not getting better and gets worse with time, then it is called anxiety disorder. This problem can also affect your daily activities, this problem that persists for a long time can also increase the risks of depression.

What is depression?
Depression (depressive disorder), known as a serious mental health problem, is a serious medical illness that negatively affects the way you feel, think, and function. Depression increases feelings of sadness and you may lose interest in activities you previously enjoyed.

An increase in the problem of depression can also increase suicidal thoughts, this is a serious problem that requires immediate consultation with a psychiatrist.

What do health experts say?
Health experts say that the main difference between anxiety and depression is its symptoms. Depression is a persistent feeling of sadness, while stress and anxiety can be temporary, in some cases there can be a risk of long-term side effects. There can be many reasons for these disorders, which require serious attention to measures to eliminate them. People of all ages should keep taking measures to keep their minds healthy.

(PC: Freepik)