Homeopathy, an effective medical practice that has been in use for years, has a history dating back 200 years. Experts say this is a method to stimulate a healing response and strengthen the body's ability to heal itself. Benefits have been obtained by using homeopathy in the treatment of many types of diseases. This therapy was developed in Germany in the late 1700s. It is common in many European countries; in India too, homeopathy has been used for health benefits.

World Homeopathy Day is celebrated every year on 10 April to commemorate the birth anniversary of the founder of homeopathy, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. Its objective is to make people aware of homeopathy medicine and the focus is on promoting the use of this alternative system.

The theme of World Homeopathy Day 2024
Health experts say homeopathy is a medical system based on the belief that the body can heal itself. To promote the healing process, medicines are given depending on the disease, so that the body can cure that defect on its own.

The theme for World Homeopathy Day 2024 is- “Homeoparivar: One Health, One Family”. Experts say that by increasing awareness about homeopathic medicines and their success rate, many types of problems can be cured.

This therapy triggers the body's defense system
A basic concept behind homeopathy, experts say, is to treat diseases by triggering the body's natural defense mechanisms. For example, onion causes your eyes to water, so it can be used in the treatment of eye allergies. Homeopathy also believes that the lower the dose, the more powerful the medicine.

Has been used in many types of problems
Many types of health problems have been treated and benefited through this alternative medicine for years. The use of homeopathy is considered beneficial in problems like allergies, migraine, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, intestinal diseases, and premenstrual syndrome.

Is homeopathy beneficial even in serious conditions?
However, health experts say, homeopathic medicine does not have benefits in life-threatening diseases or emergencies like asthma, cancer, and heart disease. Some homeopathic products, called "nosodes", have also been used as alternatives to vaccines in many countries, but there is not enough research to prove their effectiveness.

Apart from this, there are mixed opinions among scientists regarding how effective homeopathy treatment can be.