Rose Water: Rose water has many benefits for our skin. Often people apply rose water to enhance the beauty of their faces. But do you know how to make rose water beneficial for the skin at home? You might also be surprised to hear this. But through this article, let us tell you how you can make rose water by following easy steps and how it is beneficial for the skin.

What is rose water?
For centuries, rose water has been used to enhance beauty. As its name suggests it is a combination of rose and water. Let us tell you that rose water is made by soaking rose leaves in water. Let's know how to make it at home-

First of all, take a fresh rose and separate its petals.
Now put distilled water and rose leaves in a pan.
There should not be much water. Otherwise, the rose water will get diluted, due to which it will show less effect.
Now close the lid of the pan and let it boil on low flame.
As soon as the water becomes half, turn off the gas.
When the water cools down, filter it with a sieve and fill it in a clean bottle.

How to include rose water in your skin care routine?
Face Mask: You must be applying a face mask on your skin. Face masks made of rose water are beneficial for the skin. You can make a rose water face mask according to your skin type.

Toner: You will find toners from big brands in the market. If you do not want to spend money on these, then tone the skin with the help of rose water at home.

Take bath with rose water: To stay fresh throughout the day, you should add rose water to the water while taking a bath. Bathing with this water will keep your body fresh.