The risk of heart disease is increasing even in young people. According to reports, people under the age of 30 start having serious problems related to heart disease, which can be fatal. In such a situation, health experts recommend taking precautions to avoid the risk of heart disease.

Cardiovascular diseases include stroke, congenital heart defects, heart attack, cardiac arrest, pericardial effusion, rheumatic heart disease, coronary artery disease, angina etc. To stay away from these serious heart diseases, there is a need to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

However, people do not know the seriousness of heart disease until they suffer from it. For this reason, World Heart Day is celebrated every year in September to make people aware of heart diseases. Through this article, know when World Heart Day and who celebrated it for the first time, and why. Also, what is the theme and significance of Heart Day 2023?

When is World Heart Day celebrated in 2023
World Heart Day is celebrated every year on 29 September across the world. This day is dedicated to heart health. Many types of programs are organized on the occasion of World Heart Day to reduce the risk of heart disease and make people aware of the prevention and treatment of heart disease.

History of World Heart Day
World Heart Day was celebrated for the first time in the world on 24 September 2000. Antoni Bard de Luna, former President of the World Health Federation, came up with the idea of celebrating World Heart Day. He presented a report on this idea, which was adopted, and Heart Day was celebrated in the year 2000. Later, it was decided to celebrate World Heart Day on 29 September to reduce the global mortality rate by 25 percent from 2012 to 2025.

The theme of World Heart Day 2023
Every year there is a special theme of Heart Day, according to which this day is celebrated. This year the theme of World Heart Day 2023 is 'Use Heart, Know Heart' i.e. use heart and know heart.

Why celebrate Heart Day
People are being affected by heart-related issues due to the increasing number of cases of heart attacks or other heart-related diseases. One of its main factors is an unhealthy and sedentary lifestyle and wrong eating habits. World Heart Day is celebrated to make people aware of heart health and make them health conscious.

(PC: Freepik)