If it is said that almost every second person is connected to social media, then maybe there will be nothing wrong with it. People of almost all ages spend time here. By the way, most people entertain themselves through social media. Nowadays people here spend their time watching videos. But it cannot be denied that there are people who are earning well from social media. At the same time, many new people are also associated with social media to earn. In such a situation, these people want to increase their followers rapidly so that they can earn and for this, they seem ready to go to any extent. In such a situation, you have to take care of some things because if you make some mistakes in the process of increasing followers, then you can even become a victim of fraud. So let's know which mistakes you should avoid making. You can learn about this in the next slides...

Never make these mistakes:-
Don't fall for fake followers

Some people want their followers to increase quickly, for which they adopt many methods. Fraudsters take advantage of this and target people by talking about giving followers in exchange for money. But fraudsters cheat you on this pretext. That's why stay away from them.

Avoid giving money
Many types of fake apps are available these days which claim to give you followers in exchange for money. But there are many such apps that first take money from people and then do not give them followers, because these apps are fake.

Don't forget the channel info
Many apps or many people ask the creator for the ID and password of their social media accounts. They give so much confidence to the people, that people give them their account information. In such a situation, these fraudsters run away with the channel created by the hard work of the people. Also, avoid giving any kind of permission on the channel.

Do not click on unknown links
Nowadays fraudsters have started sending fake links to people to increase followers. Where they claim that you have to give your information on this link, after which your followers will start increasing. While nothing like this happens, on the contrary, you can get cheated and even lose your channel. So don't click on any link.

(PC: Freepik)