By keeping the body's immunity strong, you can prevent many types of diseases. Since the beginning of the Corona epidemic, everyone has been advised to keep taking measures to strengthen immunity. It is generally believed that people who have weak immunity are at risk of contracting many types of bacterial infections apart from viral infections like flu or Covid-19. But the risks of a weak immune system are not limited to this, this condition can cause many other problems in you.

Health experts say that building immunity is a continuous process that requires continuous efforts from you. However, some bad habits like smoking, alcohol, and lack of nutrition in the diet can weaken your immune system. Weak immunity can cause many types of harm.

Infection and problems caused by it
Health experts say, if your immune system is weak, it means that your body is not able to fight infections or viruses properly. Not only does it increase the risk of serious infectious diseases like corona, but studies have also shown that people with immunity problems may also have a higher risk of some types of cancer.

Covid-19 and its danger
The threat of Covid-19 disease caused by infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus has persisted for the last four years. Even though the risk of serious diseases caused by COVID-19 has reduced significantly due to vaccination and herd immunity, health experts say that coronainfection can still be a serious pathogen for people with weak immunity.

The problem of low immunity has been seen in most of the cases of death being reported due to new variants.

Cervical Cancer Risk
The problem of weak immunity not only increases the risk of COVID-19 but also serious cancers like cervical cancer. The risk of this cancer caused by HPV virus infection is seen to be higher in people with weak immune systems. Researchers said that the body of people whose immunity is weak is not able to fight HPV infection. Due to persistent HPV infection, the risk of developing cancer is higher in people whose immunity is weak.

Danger of mumps
Mumps cases have been increasing rapidly across the country for some time. Health experts say, more cases of this infectious disease are being seen in people with weak immunity. This infectious disease, caused by a group of viruses called Paramyxovirus, causes severe and painful swelling in the parotid glands. Due to this, the patient's cheeks and jaw swell. Most of the people suffering from this disease recover completely within two weeks. However, in some people with weak immunity, there may be a risk of it taking a severe form and causing deafness due to infection.