Are you also not able to wear your favourite heels? When the skin starts getting dry, it starts cracking. We often ignore moisturizing them and then gradually the feet start deteriorating. It is not that the skin is dry only in winter.

Many people have had this problem for 12 months. Although the weather is sticky, dryness starts appearing in places like heels, elbows, palms, and knees. What are you doing again for your cracked heels these days? Want to try using bananas? Especially banana peel can help you more. Banana peels also contain nutrients that can help in making the skin soft and supple.

Banana peels are rich in amino acids and vitamins-A, B, C and E, which work wonders on dry and itchy skin. Let us tell you how you can use banana peel for foot care.

Scrub your feet with banana peel to remove dry skin

As we mentioned, bananas contain amino acids and vitamins and this is the reason why the peel can help in softening dry skin. Banana also contains potassium, which makes it a great moisturizer.

Ingredients required-

  • 1 banana peel
  • 1 pumice stone
  • Shampoo solution made in warm water

Method to prepare and use-

  • First of all, dissolve shampoo and warm water in a bucket. Put your feet in it and keep it for 10 minutes.
  • After this rub your feet with pumice stone. This will remove dead skin, and then clean the feet.
  • Now dry the feet and rub the banana peels well on the ankles. Leave it like this for 10-15 minutes and then wipe the feet with a clean tissue.

Apply banana peel and honey mask for dryness of feet

You must be aware that honey is considered a natural antiseptic that can help heal cracked feet. It is also a good humectant which provides moisture to the skin and prevents drying of the skin. If your ankles hurt, then honey can be good for that too. Its soothing properties also help soothe irritations.

Ingredients required-

  • 1 Banana peel
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1 tsp rose water

Method to prepare and apply-

  • First of all, clean your feet by rubbing them with lukewarm water and dry your feet.
  • Put the peel in a blender and grind it. Transfer it to a bowl and add honey and rose water to it and mix.
  • Apply this mask well on your feet and leave it like this for 15 minutes.
  • After 15 minutes, clean the feet with wet tissue. No need to wash feet again.

Apply banana peel and turmeric mask to heal cracked heels

The anti-inflammatory properties of banana peel can help relieve skin problems. The combination of enzymes and acids found in it can help exfoliate the skin, removing dead skin cells. Similarly, turmeric works to heal any kind of wound.

Ingredients required-

  • 1 Banana peel
  • 1 tsp raw turmeric, grated
  • 1 tsp honey

Method to prepare and use-

  • Clean the feet and grind the banana peel in a blender.
  • Grate raw turmeric well and heat it. Now add honey and banana peels to it.
  • Apply this mask to your feet and leave it for 20 minutes. After this wash the feet with lukewarm water.
  • Do not forget to apply moisturizer cream on your feet before sleeping at night.

Keep these things in mind before applying banana peel on your feet-

Using banana peel can cause minor side effects. If your skin is sensitive, applying it may increase itching and redness. People who are allergic to latex may experience an allergic reaction to banana peel. Banana peel can sometimes make the skin drier. If it doesn't suit you, don't use it on your skin.

Image Credit: Freepik