World Environment Day: Every year on 5th June, World Environment Day is celebrated all over the world. This day was started to increase awareness and understanding of our responsibilities to the environment. It is the responsibility of all of us to save the environment for our future generations, but the contribution of children is also important in this so that they can understand its importance now.

Today, on the special occasion of World Environment Day, families should together fulfill their responsibilities towards nature. Especially children should be explained how they can promote greenery so that their future life is safe. For this, you can encourage children to use minimum plastic or explain the importance of planting more and more plants. Apart from this, there are many activities through which you can celebrate World Environment Day with your children.

How to encourage children on World Environment Day?
01) Motivate to keep the surroundings clean: Inculcate the habit of cleanliness in the children so that whenever they go out somewhere, they do not throw the garbage on the road, but keep it with them and throw it only after getting to the dustbin. Apart from this, if you find a packet of chips or a cold-drink bottle lying on the ground, not only your own but also in the road or a park, throw it in the dustbin. However, while doing this, also teach them how to take care of hand hygiene. Either wear gloves while picking up the garbage or wash your hands immediately.

02) Motivate for recycling: Teach children from the very beginning the importance of segregating wet and dry waste, so that they take recycling seriously. For this, you can also inculcate the habit of DIY in your children, so that they learn to create new things from the waste material present in the house.

03) Keep close to nature: To bring children closer to nature, promote maximum outdoor games. Give them the duty of feeding the animals, planting plants in the park, or watering the plants in the house.

04) Make a habit of waste control: Encourage your kids to share toys. Teach them to gift someone they no longer play with or have grown up with. By doing this, the feeling of kindness will increase in them.
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