After industrialization, revolutionary changes have been seen in every field of the world. However, it has hurt our environment. Due to increasing carbon emissions, the average temperature of the Earth is continuously increasing, which is having a bad effect on both the poles of the Earth. The Arctic glacier is heating up 4 times faster, due to which the sea level is rising. Apart from all this, unexpected changes are also being seen in the weather cycle around the world. There is drought in some places, while there is devastating rain in other places. In such a situation, we need to be aware of the environment. Keeping this in mind, World Environment Day is celebrated every year on 5th June. The purpose of celebrating World Environment Day every year is to tell people how important the environment is for our existence.

A major reason for the increase in global warming around the world is urbanization. Due to urbanization, forests are being deforested on a large scale. Due to this, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing and the effect of global warming is increasing even more. Due to this, there is drought in many places where there used to be greenery and trees are disappearing there too.
Not only this, the condition of biodiversity is also deteriorating continuously due to global warming. Unseasonal rains, and warm weather during winter days, all this is happening due to the increase in global warming.

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On the other hand, due to the increase in the average temperature of the Earth, the agriculture sector has also been negatively affected. Not only this but due to climate change, the temperature is also increasing at high altitudes, due to which mosquitoes are breeding there and mosquito-borne diseases are spreading.
Apart from this, global warming is badly affecting coral reefs. According to the United Nations Framework Convention 2019, due to the increase in global warming, 80 percent of glaciers may melt and shrink by the year 2100. In such a situation, the purpose of celebrating Environment Day every year is to make people aware of these dangers.

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