World Brain Day 2023: The brain is the most complex organ of the human body. It plays an important role in controlling all our thoughts, emotions, and activities. World Brain Day is celebrated on July 22 every year given the importance of the brain. The purpose of this day is to raise awareness about brain health and neurological disorders. Nowadays, our lifestyle has started to change rapidly. People of every age and gender are suffering from various mental disorders. As such, the purpose of this day is to raise public awareness about mental health and disorders. Let's know what is the history of this day and its purpose-

When is World Brain Day 2023?
World Brain Day is celebrated globally on 22 July every year. The day promotes education, research, and support for people affected by mental health conditions.

History of World Brain Day
The World Federation of Neurology (WFN) was founded on July 22, 1957. Subsequently, on 22 September 2013, the Public Awareness and Advocacy Committee suggested observing 22 July as "World Brain Day". Following this suggestion, the board took up the idea in its meeting in February 2014 and since then it has been celebrated every year as an annual festival.

Significance of World Brain Day
On this day, people from various government and private organizations around the world take initiatives to raise awareness about brain health and related diseases through various activities. Along with this, public health organizations, and non-governmental organizations collaborate to disseminate information on brain health and prevention of neurological diseases. In addition, social media campaigns, public service announcements, and informational materials are used to spread the message of World Brain Day to as many people as possible.

The theme of World Brain Day
Every year this day is celebrated with a special theme. As for this year's theme, "Brain Health and Disability: Leave No One Behind" has been set for World Brain Day 2023.
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