In the present times, it is seen that most people are troubled by some or the other problem related to hair. The main problem related to hair in today's time is premature graying of hair. Even today every third person is troubled by the problem of premature graying of hair. The main reason for all the problems related to hair is the deteriorating lifestyle and bad eating habits of the people and the increasing pollution in the environment. To get relief from this problem, people also use many types of hair products available in the market. But even then they are not able to get relief, so if you are also troubled by this problem, then there is no need to panic. You can get rid of this problem by changing your diet. Through this article, let us tell you about some such things, if you regularly include them in your diet, then your hair will turn black again in a few days.

* Consume green vegetables:

We all know very well that the consumption of green leafy vegetables is very beneficial for our health but do you know that consumption of these vegetables is also very beneficial for hair? People suffering from premature graying of hair must include green vegetables in their diet. Like - Spinach, Cauliflower Cabbage, Broccoli, etc.

* Consume dairy products:

Due to the lack of vitamins in the body, the hair starts turning white, so it is important that you pay special attention to your diet. For this, you must include dairy products in your diet like milk, curd, buttermilk, paneer, etc. Nutrients like protein and calcium are found in plenty of Dehri products which help in preventing our hair from turning white.

* Consume eggs:

Eggs are considered a great shot of protein. To keep the hair strong, eggs must be included in your diet, consuming it regularly helps in strengthening the hair as well as preventing it from turning white. This is because eggs contain vitamin B12 which helps in strengthening your hair.

* Soybean :

To get relief from the problem of white hair, you must include soybeans in your diet because many types of nutrients are found in abundance in soybeans. By consuming it, the body gets many types of antioxidants, which helps in protecting your hair from turning white. That's why people troubled by white hair must include soybeans in their diet.