Asthma is a problem affecting the airways and lungs. The number of asthma patients is increasing in many countries of the world including India. According to a statistic, 46% of deaths due to asthma worldwide are being reported from India alone.

In the problem of asthma, the tubes that carry air in and out of your lungs get affected. Due to swelling and contraction in the airways, problems like pain and sound while exhaling can occur.

World Asthma Day is celebrated every year on the first Tuesday of May to make people aware of asthma disease and educate them about ways to prevent it. Health experts say that people who have asthma problem should keep taking measures to prevent the factors that trigger it.

Asthma problem and its risk factors
Dr. Nihal Singh, an expert in respiratory diseases, explains that difficulty in breathing and wheezing persists in asthma. It can also disrupt the normal functioning of respiration. An increase in pollution, lifestyle changes, and many other factors can cause asthma attacks.

Doctors say that understanding its triggers and taking measures to prevent them can help prevent asthma symptoms from worsening. People who suffer from asthma need to know about the factors that trigger it.

Protect yourself from dust and pollutants
Health experts said that allergens like pollen and dust particles, pet dander, and mold can cause reactions in the body. This increases the risk of swelling and narrowing of the airways, which can increase problems for people suffering from asthma. People suffering from asthma should keep avoiding these things. Wearing a mask when going out can be the most effective way to protect against these factors.

Problems may also increase due to viral infection
Viral infectious conditions, such as colds or flu, can also further irritate already sensitive airways, increasing the risk of asthma symptoms. Asthma patients need to keep protecting themselves from viral infections. Especially due to changes in weather like cold air, humidity, or sudden temperature changes, the problems of your airways can increase due to which there is a risk of an asthma attack.

Management of asthma is important
Doctors say, that to effectively manage asthma, it is important to understand its triggers and avoid them. Asthma patients are given medicines like inhaled corticosteroids and always keep them with them. This is important to reduce inflammation in the airways and prevent symptoms from worsening. Additionally, physical activity, a balanced diet, and breathing exercises can help maintain your health.