Women's Health: Menopause is a natural process in women after crossing an age that every woman has to face. Menopause begins on average around the age of 45 to 50 years, but sometimes it can happen as early as 40 years, which is called premature menopause. At what age a woman will have menopause, it mostly depends on her genes. It is associated with hormonal and physical changes. After menopause, weight also starts increasing rapidly. Also, there can be many problems like fatigue, laziness, and sweating while sleeping at night, which are normal, but if any problem is troubling you a lot, then see a doctor for it. Apart from this, including some special yogasanas in your routine. Which help deal with the symptoms of menopause to a great extent.

These asanas are very beneficial
1. Sukhasana

This is a very easy asana to be done sitting comfortably but it has many benefits. Its daily practice for a short time keeps you stress-free and also reduces the symptoms of menopause. Apart from this, the muscles are strong and the problem of joint pain is also removed.

2. Uttanasana
By doing this asana, very good stretching of the body is done. By doing this also the symptoms of menopause are reduced and it also keeps the hormones in balance.

3. Salamb Sarvangasana
If you are in constant depression due to menopause, then include this asana in your routine. This removes stress, fatigue, as well as mood swings caused by hormonal changes in the body.

4. Tadasana
Due to this, there is a stretch in the muscles, due to which the problem of pain and swelling is reduced. Also, it strengthens the abdominal and hip area, which reduces the symptoms of menopause. Apart from this, hormones also remain balanced.
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