From mood swings to period pain and cramps, a woman has to face a lot of problems every month. Apart from this, the seats of the public toilet that women have to use to go to the toilet after going out of the house are very dirty. This increases the risk of UTI in women. It is not easy to reduce all these problems and they can also affect your everyday work.

Therefore, through this article, we have come up with 3 such products for you which will not only make your life easier but will also keep you fresh, happy and healthy always. Dr Sheeba Mittal of Well Women Clinic is giving us this information.

Heating pad

Pain during periods causes a lot of trouble to most women. For many women, the pain is so severe that they find it difficult to even get out of bed and do their daily activities. A heating pad can make your periods easier and provide relief from the pain and cramps you experience every month.

Yes, period pain and cramps are caused by tight muscles and poor circulation that block oxygen flow. The heating pad helps in promoting blood flow. It increases circulation and provides essential oxygen to your abdominal muscles. The heating pad works as a natural way of relieving pain by relaxing the muscles.

Stand & Pee

Stand and peeing can help when you don't want to sit on a dirty toilet. Yes, it allows women of all ages to stand up and urinate because of its unique design. With its help, you can stand up to urinate and avoid UTI infection caused by dirty toilets.

Menstrual cup

Menstrual cups are made from rubber and silicone. This hygiene product is reusable and looks like a funnel. Menstrual cups should be used for heavy flow during periods. It helps to hold more blood than pads and tampons. That's why it is the best product for periods.

The biggest problem during periods is leakage. Almost every woman has to face this problem. Especially after the use of pads, its risk increases. A menstrual cup can prove to be very good for this.

There is a risk of infection with pads or tampons because these products absorb blood. But blood collects in the cup, so using a menstrual cup can reduce this risk.

It is advised to change pads every 6 hours during periods to avoid any kind of infection. In this case, the menstrual cup is very beneficial because you can use it many times.

Image Credit: Shutterstock &Freepik


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