The winter season has started. The effect of winter has started increasing in various areas of North India including Delhi. For the last few days, fog and mist increases a lot in the morning. Due to its increase, visibility on the roads is greatly reduced. Due to this, driving is a very challenging task. During this time, accidents on the road also increase a lot. In such a situation, it is very important for you to keep many things in mind while driving on the road in dense fog. During this time, your slightest mistake can become the reason for a major accident. In this episode, today through this news, we are going to tell you about those important things, which should be kept in mind while driving in fog. Let's know about it in detail -
In the winter season, when the visibility is reduced due to fog, during that time nothing is visible on the road ahead. In such a situation, you should drive your vehicle carefully on one lane only.
During this time, while driving, you have to pay special attention to the white strip. You should drive keeping that in mind. If there is no lane on the road, then you can take the help of road marking or follow another vehicle.
While driving in mist and fog, you should keep the headlights of your vehicle on low beam. The light spreads on high beam and nothing is visible in front.
Many times the roads become wet in fog, in such a situation you should not overtake another vehicle. By doing this, the possibility of an accident increases significantly.
(PC: Adobe stock)