The problem of blood pressure is seen increasing rapidly globally, it is considered a major factor in heart diseases. The World Health Organization (WHO) in its recent report has expressed concern about the increasing number of people affected by high blood pressure in the South East Asia region. According to the report, about 294 million (29.4 crore) people are suffering from high blood pressure. Health experts said that high blood pressure can increase the burden of serious heart diseases, therefore, appropriate efforts are necessary to control it immediately.

Hypertension is a major component of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Saima Wajed, WHO's regional director for Southeast Asia, said on Friday that it is estimated that the problem of high blood pressure is increasing rapidly in the Southeast Asia region. Efforts to prevent and control hypertension need to be strengthened to meet global and national health goals. The increasing cases of this disease indicate serious risks for the future.

Pay attention to the risk factors of high blood pressure
This year's theme has been set to 'Measure your blood pressure accurately, control it, live longer' to alert people about blood pressure and the risks it poses.

WHO has called for avoiding excessive consumption of salt, tobacco, and alcohol to prevent the increasing risk of high blood pressure. Along with unhealthy diet and physical inactivity, stress and air pollution are its main risk factors, for which it is important for all people to continue taking precautions.

Most people are unaware of their disease
WHO Regional Director Saima says, early identification and control of blood pressure problems is important. Half of adults with high blood pressure do not know they have the condition. In such a situation, there is continuous damage to the body due to blood pressure. Statistics show that almost one in six people's blood pressure is not under control.

Due to the problem of uncontrolled blood pressure, the risk of problems like heart attack, stroke, and kidney failure increases which can also increase the risks of premature death.

What do experts say?
Regarding the increasing risks of high blood pressure, WHO said, people's access to affordable health services for high blood pressure is very limited, due to which patients are not able to get timely diagnosis and treatment. Efforts to control blood pressure are most important for the prevention and control of heart disease.

With the help of changes in lifestyle and diet, the risk of blood pressure and related health problems can be avoided.