At the age of 20 to 25, if white hair starts growing on the head, then the tension in life increases a lot. It may be due to genetic reasons, but sometimes our bad food habits and unhealthy lifestyle are responsible for this. Many times one has to face embarrassment and low confidence when the hair grows. Some people try to darken their hair through hair dye, but this can cause hair dryness. In such a situation, what can be done to get black hair?

What to do to make hair black again
Coconut oil is considered an important medicine for hair, it not only makes hair shiny, but also gets rid of hair fall, but if you mix lemon juice with this oil, it will be easy to darken hair. And this will also give excellent nutrition to the hair.

Why lemon is beneficial for hair
Lemon has always been used to improve hair health. Dandruff can be easily removed by this, as well as it is very beneficial for hair growth. If you want that your hair not turn white before time, then for this you have to apply lemon to your hair. Anti-fungal properties are found in it.

How to make white hair black
Graying of hair is common with increasing age, but if this is happening at a young age, then this process can be slowed down with the help of lemon and coconut oil. When the production of melanin in the body reduces or stops, then our hair starts to ripen. Hydrogen peroxide starts forming in the particles of white hair. Mix lemon juice in coconut oil and apply it from the scalp to the tip of the hair. If you do this regularly, the blood flow will increase and your hair will turn black naturally.