There will be many youths around us who are troubled by the graying of hair in 25 to 30 years. There can be genetic reasons behind this, if you are also troubled by a similar problem, then you can do some special home remedies for it. But you can adopt the tips of grandmother and grandmother to get dark hair. Let us tell you here in what ways you can turn white hair black.

Make white hair black with the help of these things
1. Onion

The taste of vegetables without onion seems incomplete, but this excellent vegetable can also be used to make hair black naturally. Apply onion paste to your hair about 30 minutes before taking a bath every day. You will see its effect in a few days.

2. Cow Milk
We are all aware of the natural benefits of cow's milk but have you ever tried to turn white hair black through it, if not, then apply cow's milk to your hair at least once a week from today, and then Dark hair will start coming back.

3. Black Pepper
We use black pepper to increase the taste of food, but do you know that with its help hair can turn black again? For this, boil whole black pepper in water and after cooling put it on the head. If you follow this method regularly, then the white hair will turn dark again in a few days.

4. Aloe Vera Gel
We often use aloe vera gel to enhance the beauty of the face and skin, but it is also very beneficial for hair. You prepare a paste by mixing its gel with lemon juice and apply it to the hair and then wash it with cold water, by doing this regularly, the blackness in the hair will come back again.

(PC: Medical news today, Bodywise, Healthline)