Premature White Hair Problem: Hair problem is common due to changing lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits. In which the problem of white hair is quite common. Nowadays, the youth of 20 to 25 years are also troubled by this. Often they have to use hair dye or chemical-based hair colour to hide the white hair, but this makes the hair look lifeless. Let us know if someone wants natural black hair, and then what things they have to use.

Use these things to make hair black
1. Onion Juice and Olive Oil

Onion juice is considered beneficial for reducing white hair on the head. It is also helpful for hair growth. Wash with onion juice and lemon water in olive oil. This process can be repeated at least twice a week. Massage the scalp by mixing boo juice. This will strengthen the hair and reduce white hair.

2. Black Tea
Using black tea, you can make hair black naturally. They are rich in antioxidant properties, which help in making the hair dark. For this, take water in a bowl, add 2 spoons of black tea and one spoon of salt and boil it. Now filter it, and when this water cools down, apply it to your hair.

3. Coconut Oil and Lemon Juice
Coconut oil helps to strengthen the hair naturally. Massage the hair by mixing lemon juice with coconut oil. Regular use of this can reduce the occurrence of white hair.

4. Ginger and Honey
The combination of ginger and honey is very effective for blackening hair. For this grated ginger, mix honey in it. Now apply this paste to the hair. about half an hour