It is common for hair to turn white with increasing age. But the problem arises when your hair starts turning white at an early age. There can be many reasons behind this. Some of which can be prevented. Let us know how such a problem can be overcome.

Why does hair turn white at a young age?
When the pigmentation of hair starts decreasing, then its color starts turning from black to white. There can be 5 reasons behind young age or children's hair turning white.

1. Vitamin B-12 Deficiency
Vitamin B12 deficiency can also be the reason for having white hair at a young age. When the amount of this important nutrient in the body decreases, then the hair starts ripening. This vitamin provides energy and controls hair growth and hair color.

2. Genetics
Genetics can be the reason for hair turning white at an early age. There is no permanent cure for this white hair problem. Because it is related to your genes. If your parents or someone in the family has had this problem in childhood, then you may also get to see white hair at an early age.

3. Tension
Everyone may have to face tension in life. When this stress becomes excessive then problems like sleeplessness, anxiety, change in appetite, and high blood pressure can arise. At the same time, research suggests that stress starts weakening the stem cells present in the hair roots, due to which the hair starts turning white.

4. Autoimmune Disease
Autoimmune diseases can also be the reason for graying of hair at an early age. The names of autoimmune diseases that cause hair whitening are alopecia and vitiligo. In these diseases, the immune system starts damaging its cells and premature white hair occurs.

5. Smoking
Many research suggests that smoking can also cause your hair to turn white before age. Because smoking shrinks the veins and reduces the blood flow in them. Due to this, the hair roots do not get enough nutrition and they start turning white.

How to make white hair black?
If your hair has ripened at an early age, then you should remedy it soon. Because most of the causes of gray hair can be prevented. Doctors can treat it by knowing the reason behind white hair, due to which the pigmentation of hair will return and they will turn black. If there is a deficiency of Vitamin B-12 in your body, then you can take its supplements. Or you can eat things like eggs, fatty fish, milk products, broccoli, and mushrooms. At the same time, it is necessary to quit smoking to prevent hair graying.

(PC: Freepik