The biggest difficulty at the time of blood transfusion is to find the blood of the same group, in such a situation the question that often comes to people's mind is what can happen if they accidentally get the blood of the wrong group? In this article, we have brought the answer to this curiosity of the people.

In case of health emergency after illness or accident, blood transfusion is often required, in which the biggest difficulty is in finding blood of a similar group. Many times, it takes a lot of time to find blood of the same group and in such a situation the condition of the patient also becomes serious. In such a situation, this question often arises in the minds of people what will happen if they accidentally get the blood of the wrong group?

In this article, we have brought the answer to this curiosity of the people. Let us tell you that in this regard we talked to Dr. Satish Kumar working at King George Medical University, Lucknow and are sharing the information received from him with you here.

Dr. Satish Kumar explains that blood is the most important part of our cardiovascular system. It is through blood circulation that oxygen, enzymes, nutrition, hormones etc. reach all the cells of the body. Along with this, it also plays an important role in controlling blood pressure. In such a situation, there is a risk of obstruction in blood circulation, reaction and infection if the blood of the wrong group is transfused. Let us know in detail about all these possible harmful effects of transfusion of blood of the wrong group.

Obstruction in blood circulation

After the transfusion of blood from the wrong group, blood circulation in the body may be disrupted. Different types of antigens are present in two different groups and when they mix, reactions start. For example, if someone's blood group is 'A positive' and he is given 'AB positive' blood, then there can be a risk of antigen reaction.

In such a situation, antigens gather together and block the veins. Due to blockage of veins, blood circulation of the body stops and when blood circulation stops, organs like kidneys may stop functioning. Seen this way, transfusion of blood from the wrong group can be fatal.

Acute hemolytic reaction

The risk of Acute Hemolytic Reaction also increases significantly when the blood of the wrong group is transfused. Let us tell you that the condition of acute hemolytic reaction occurs when the red cells of the donor's blood are destroyed by the immune system of the receiver. Such a situation becomes dangerous for the receiver i.e. the person taking blood.

This reaction can occur during or immediately after a blood transfusion. Its symptoms may include fever, chills, nausea and pain in the waist or chest. Apart from this, in this condition the colour of the person's urine becomes black.

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