To stay healthy, experts recommend including nutrition-rich things in the diet. What we are eating has a direct effect on the function of our body. Many nuts, dry fruits and fruits should be included in the diet to stay healthy. Dates and figs, both fruits not only give sweetness but are also full of nutrition. They provide many benefits like improving digestion, giving strength to the body, and strengthening bones. There are many similarities between the two and there are also many differences. Which is better in terms of nutritional value, sugar and health benefits, let us know from nutritionist Simran Kaur.

Nutritional value

Both dates and figs are rich in essential nutrition. These contain high amounts of magnesium, potassium and fibre. All these things are very important for our body to function properly. However, if we talk about calcium, then the amount of calcium in fig is high. It is very good for bone health.

Sugar and fat

If we talk about sugar and fat, then there is very little difference between the two. Dates are high in natural sugar. On the other hand, the amount of sugar in figs is less. You can get a satisfaction test by eating dates and figs have a crunchy test.

Health benefits

Dates and figs both provide us with health benefits. Fibre is high in both. Improves digestion with fibre. On the other hand, potassium improves heart health and helps in muscle function. The magnesium present in both is good for bone health.

Expert opinion

Whatever you choose between dates and dried figs, it is important to take care of their quantity. You can make both fruits a part of a balanced diet. However, before taking them in some health conditions, you must take expert advice.

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